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Pearlle Kpop Chat: Review | City Hunter ep 17-20

Here's a final review of City Hunter episodes 17-20. Read my other reviews here and here.

The stand-out scenes make me go dayuuuum. There were many of these in the final episodes so consider this a brief summary.

1. Yall remember the high tension paint ball scene? I call it paint ball scene cos someone played a prank and attacked the President, actually Kim Na Na (his bullet shield) with a paint ball.

2. Yoon-sung rescuing his father and kicking Chun Jae Man's thugs butt AGAIN!

3. The scene where Prosecutor Kim Young Jo finds out that Yoon-sung is the City Hunter. The fact that neither of them was able to pull the trigger showed the character and motive of both men. It also showed that they understood the fact that they both needed each other for justice to prevail.

4. Ep.20 when the President acknowledges that Yoon-sung is his son.

5. The showdown we'd all been waiting for. Yoon-sung and Lee Jin Pyo finally face off and we all know it won't be pretty.

Wtf scenes
Ep 17: Classic kdrama moment when the miss leading lady passes out drunk. Apparently Yoon-sung doesn't have a car which is why he carries Na Na in his arms all the way to her house

Ep 18: Yoon-sung showed us how bad as he is when he kickd guy liner's butt while in handcuffs. After doing that, the speed with which he uncuffed himself was astonishing. Here I am thinking it usually takes more work to get rid of hand cuffs..apparently I was wrong. Damn!

Ep 19:  I'm very torn about how I felt when Prosecutor Kim Young Jo died? Why did he have to die? Why? That scene was done so beautifully and how he died was in line with the character we've watched for about 18 episodes. But I think all that could have happened and he recovered in the hospital.

Final thoughts
Jin-pyo's death was not a surprise. Who really didn't see that coming from Day 1? It still left me sad because his death proved to Yoon-sung that the father who raised him loved him by taking the blame so Yoon-sung can live a happy life after all the revenge BS. I was in suspense for the most part of episode 20 cos I wanted Yoon-sung to survive and it appeared less feasible.

Kudos to the writer for handling the daddy drama between Yoon-sung and President Chan very well. Very realistic and well done!

Finally, I know all the Min-Min fans wanted a kiss at the end but I'm sooo glad there wasn't one. I like how open-ended the writers left it. I just can't do cheesy and candy-coated romance ... says the girl who's a kdrama addict. 

Bonus pics:

The two men meet and my ovaries almost explode! lol

On to the next one: Queen of Ambition. Look out for reviews and recaps.