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Better Than We Ever Could Have Imagined
Welcome To Pearlle Magazine. Africa, K-Pop, And Everything In Between.


Once upon a time, in a land called Canada where contrary to popular belief, is  not insanely cold, does not snow crazily and not everyone says "eh", two crazy creative siblings launched Pearlle on January 1, 2012.

This may have happened:

TB: I love to produce music and design websites
BB: I love to write and rant on the internet
TB & BB: Let's create a website!!! :)))

We're Nigerian so a lot of content is about Africa. We also have other interests which we love to write about, we hope you don't mind. We also understand that online media can be a powerful tool to create positive social change and we hope we're doing that!  .

Pearlle is deeply concerned about climate change and we kindly ask that unless ABSOLUTELY necessary, you don't print off content from this website. That's so 1999 #enoughsaid.

We've featured and collaborated with amazing writers, style bloggers and brands. If you want to write for us or want a feature, Contact Us!! Want to know more about the Pearlle team? Check out our Contributors page. Finally, it is important to acknowledge that 80% of Pearlle's content is written (and uploaded) on the traditional territories of the Lekwungen and Wsanec people. 

Soli Deo gloria