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Goodluck Jonathan on CNN (January 23)

Who else watched President Jonathan on CNN last night? Here's a brief breakdown:

Quote of the night: "That is not correct. That is not correct". At least he didn't say "is a lie o" like Obasanjo probably would haha

The good
He came across as down-to-earth and honest, at least that's what a "neutral" friend said when he watched the video. He has no knowledge about Nigerian politics but watched the video because I posted it on Facebook and immediately said "Goodluck looks so awesome".

I think that Nigerians are so used to former President Obasanjo's boisterous personality that we often interpret Goodluck Ebele Jonathan's humility as weakness.

His answers on a few issues weren't bad such as Boko Haram and it's religious roots. I think it's easy to say poverty is responsible but I think religion is the fundamental cause.

The bad
His answer to a possible threat to Nigeria's crude oil was quite weak to be honest. His inability to articulate a plan to tackle the Boko Haram menace and crude oil theft issues left a lot to be desired.

The good and the bad
The power issue: The president said that "Nigerians are pleased that our commitment to handle power is working". However that was a HUUUGE generalization and many Nigerians accused him of lying as a result. What he should have indicated was that power generation has risen by about 2000mw since he assumed office.  Does this man have media aides?

The level of theft from the government amounts to about $7billion a year. Don't you just love how he passed the blame to the West and blamed them for refining stolen crude? Na wa for Ebele o.

Anyways, I look forward to more GEJ interviews. He is quite entertaining!