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Featured video: Jesse Jagz - Redemption

Jesse Jagz released the "Redemption" MV yesterday, and I am so mind blown by its originality and creativity. It's so refreshing that for once, a Naija artiste doesn't have a dozen girls shaking their butts at the camera, and men telling us how rich they are.

Jesse Jagz, Redemption
So much WIN!
I am absolutely loving Jesse Jagz new look. It's really simplistic and bad-boyish, and totally works for him. Props to whoever styled this video - it's simple, effortless and trendy. The video also reeks of symbolism, but maybe I'm reading too much into it.

 "Redemption" is different from the Jesse Jagz I'm used to, so I wonder if this song was recorded after his exit from Chocolate City. I really like this Jesse. Kudos to Mex (Pixel Chaos) for directing this MV.