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Style Spotlight: Claudia of WLDHRTS

Today's Style Spotlight features Claudia of WldHrts. Yayyy! That yaayy was cos Claudia has super awesome style and a super awesome blog. Here's a Q & A with her:

What's your style inspiration?
I get inspired in many different ways. My main inspiration comes from other fashion blogs. I love reading fashion blogs! It’s easier to read blogs rather than magazines, because you can relate to the people. Bloggers are just people like you and me and mostly, they express their true opinion, which gives the blog a personal touch. However, some bloggers’ opinion are bought by companies, which in my opinion is the worst that could happen to a blog. Bloggers should stay authentic and true to themselves. Besides bloggers, I think that Lykke Li and Charlotte Free are very inspirational people with great style.

How does your location influence your style?
I would say that my location does not influence my style at all. People here are mostly preppy styled, which I do not prefer. I am sure that if I was living in Berlin it would have an impact on my style though. I think that it is not the location which influences your style but rather the people you are hanging out with.

Describe your style in 3 words.
That is pretty difficult to do. I wear whatever I like to wear. I don’t spend too much time standing in front of my wardrobe, trying to decide what I should wear. I only do that for very important events but other than that, I go by anything. Sometimes I just throw on the first things I see when opening my wardrobe, simply because if I bought something, I must like it, so there’s no reason not to wear it. There are things I like in particular, such as chiffon and studs & spikes. I prefer simple colours such as black, white, beige, olive, light purple… Maybe my style can be described as rocker-chic, but that’s for people to decide for themselves how they see my style.

Favorite item in your wardrobe?
My UNIF Easy Rider Jacket. It is a perfect rocker leather jacket and I love the American Flag on the back. It represents a great part of my life, my love for America, where I used to live. I just love the mentality there, especially the East Coast.

Top 5 essential items?
Smartphone, chewing gum, labello, all kinds of jewelry, sunglasses (mostly in the summer)

All time favorite fashion trend?
The colour black. Anything goes with black and black goes with anything. It’s that simple – simple and classic.

A fashion accessory you always have with you?
The Flowerbomb perfume by Victor&Rolf if you can count that as a fashion accessory. It’s the only perfume I ever truly used, it’s perfect.

Why did you get into fashion blogging?
It somehow just happened. I started blogging about music, but the blog eventually developed into a blog with a focus on fashion and some bits of music. Fashion blogging gives me the opportunity to express my own style and my thoughts. I think it’s great.

Thanks, Claudia!!

Style Spotlight is a bi-monthly post by Pearlle Magazine's contributors, featuring style bloggers and brands from around the world. Wanna be featured on Style Spotlight? Use the Contact Us form.