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He Said - Group 1 Crew ft Chris August

We absolutely love them both and this song has been on repeat for ages now, and we would like to share!

Explaining the meaning behind 'He said', Blanca Callahan explained, "For me, this song definitely strikes a chord in my life and where I am in this season. As you may or may not know, I recently lost my father last November. We were on the Rock & Worship Roadshow at the time, and he passed unexpectedly due to cancer. When I listen to the song, although it came before losing my father, it’s so true in the lyrics that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle like you said. Sometimes when things aren’t going great, people will quote Scripture that God will never leave us or forsake us. It’s in these trying moments when you’re facing things that you feel are going to break you that you need to remember what He’s promised you and what He’s said. That’s what this song is all about. You may feel like it’s the end, but God will never let you break. You might bend, and it might be uncomfortable, but He’ll get you through and those are His promises that He’s made, so let’s not forget them.

Manwell Reyes added "Chris August is my homey, we were thinking about how we could involve another singer since we also had TobyMac appear on a song. We wanted to record more of an adult contemporary style song, so we thought about who we could ask. Since Chris is a label mate, and we enjoy his voice, it was an easy pick. His voice fit the song perfectly."

They explained the Bible verse behind the song, James 1:2-4: “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

Here's some other stuff we love by G1C and Chris August

Starry Night - Chris August

7 X 70 - Chris August

Group 1 Crew - Forgive Me

Group 1 Crew - Movin