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T-ARA's revamp and their "Sexy Love" MV

T-ARA - "Sexy Love" MV - video-still

I haven't talked about T-ara since the bullying incident (read about it here but they're out with an awesome new music video. Pretty brave of their label, CCM releasing this song barely a month after the controversy.

T-ara is now an 8-member group with the addition of Dani, a 14 year old girl who will start promoting with the group in December. The oldest member of T-ara is Boram who is 26, so it just feels wrong adding a 14 year old to the group because of the age difference. At 26, a woman is more mature, has more life experience and naturally would want to talk about such things that 14 year old ears should not be privy to. It's not necessarily about the age difference but the fact that Dani is a minor. Friendships defy age all the time and I would know because my best friend is 6 years older, and I have two other good friends who are about 11 years older than me.

Back to the song/MV: it's catchy and upbeat and I've already replayed it a few times. The robot dance is funny and they make it cute. The MV is doing better than I assumed it would, going by the number of dislikes. At the time of posting this, only roughly about a third of the ratings are dislikes which isn't bad.