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Better Than We Ever Could Have Imagined
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Here's to 6 fantastic years of BIGBANG!

Hey VIP's in the world, today is our wonderful group's 6 year anniversary. 6 years, 6 freakinnnnn years!! These boys have come so far and I am really proud of them. Here's what G-Dragon uploaded earlier on their website:
Big bang, GDragon, BIGBANG

Thanks to Allkpop, this is translated as:

“Already…no, finally!!! It’s our 6th anniversary

Always thankful and sorry, so it makes us want to work harder!

Forever in your debt VIP!

Still Love VIP’s!

I'm so touched by this message and I shout out to the VIP's out there. Those who've been with them from Day 1, those who've supported them through the ups and downs and those who are just starting their journey with Big Bang. They couldn't have done it without you.

Last but not least, thank you BIGBANG for making amazing music. Thank you G-Dragon for your creativity. Thank you TOP for your wonderful humor & persistence (and also for the wonderful hair colors lol). Thank you Taeyang for sharing your warm heart and childhood innocence with us. Daesung, thank you for that bright smile and your adorable-ness; and finally, thank you Seungri  for being the caring maknae.

 Here's to 6 more years of BIGBANG!! BIGBANG hwaiting!


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