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Take the challenge: Five Days of Care (FDoC)

This week on Pearlle, we challenge you to be kind to your environment because climate change is real and it`s among us. That is the inspiration for this challenge and we hope you join us on this journey.

We may try to ignore the effects of climate change and act like it does not affect us, but we need to own up to the fact that climate changes poses a threat to development and poverty reduction in developing countries. Extreme weather affects agricultural productivity and can raise the price of staple foods, such as grains, that are important to poor households. 

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We`re not going to wait for our government to tackle this issue although they should. We`re taking matters into our own hands. Many times when people think of climate change, they think of inconvenience, costs,  lack of care, etc. In poorer countries, when a family has to think of food and shelter, it is understandable that climate change is not on top of the priorities list. Most people don`t exactly have the luxuries to go out and buy a recycle bin and take it to a nearest recycling station which is probably non-existent. However, we encourage you to make inexpensive changes in your daily like in order to save the environment.  

The weather affects main economic activities in developing countries, such as farming. Global warming dries out farmland, leaving Africa`s desert or arid regions severely exposed. One study predicts that by 2080 as much as a fifth of Africa’s farmland will be severely stressed. Global warming is also speeding up the earth’s hydrologic cycle, causing both floods and droughts (more rains fall in shorter periods, with longer gaps between). Think of the flood that happened a little over two weeks ago in Lagos, Nigeria.

In the next FDoC post, I`ll share easy ways you can show that you care about the environment.