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Celebrating Embrace Your Inner Geek Day

Obscure holidays are fun and here at Pearlle, we try to celebrate them whenever we can. Remember National Clean Off Your Desk Day? Cool stuff, right?

Well, today is Embrace Your Inner Geek Day. Say whaaat? Who is a geek, you ask? Merriam-Webster defines it as:
: a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked
: an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity <computer geek>

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 I'm not a geek, I don't even know if I have an inner geek. Here at Pearlle, our resident geek is Tonye - web designer extraordinaire and lover of all things technology.

How do you celebrate today?
I guess you could wear something geeky with pride. Maybe opt for glasses today if you usually wear contacts. I can't say I have anything geeky in my wardrobe, but I'm going to wear something more laid back for half of the day before dressing up more formally for a job interview later in the afternoon.

I would probably wear a comic Tshirt if I had one **sigh**. You could also play some board games. Star Trek monopoly anyone? Or maybe watch some old school comics, which I'll probably do. You could also go see a movie. Spiderman 3 maybe? Most people love spidey, so you don't have to be a geek to do so obviously!

Famous Geeks
Natalie Portman
Kate Beckingsale
Anderson Cooper
Vin Diesel

Here's a video of Anderson Cooper talking about this holiday.

Happy Geek Day everyone!!