Yesterday, we started Five Days of Care and today, we kick of Day 1 of FDoC with this post about easy things you can do to show the planet that you care. Caring for the environment does not have to be a daunting life change. Little things do count as well.
1. Plant a tree
2. Refuse: Part of the 5 R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink and Refuse) which essentially means saying no to using products that are harmful to the environment. Here in Canada, an easy one is plastic bags. I have since refused to use plastic bags, and always go with my own shopping bags. This really helps with waste management.
3. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
4. Turn off computers at night
5. Don't preheat the oven unless when baking pastries or bread.
6. Air dry your clothes\
7. Controversial, but use washable diapers and air dry them.
8. Use one less paper napkin whenever you eat out.
9. Say no to bottled water.
10. Buy second hand items
11. Buy more local products
12. Run errands in batches: Make a list of your errands for the day, and try doing them in one trip. This saves you gas and time.
13. Turn off lights
14. Properly maintain your vehicle as clean air filters and properly inflated tires can greatly improve your vehicle's performance.
15. Use matches over lighters, as most lighters are made up of plastic and filled with petroleum products.
16. Consider giving away an item before throwing it away
17. Save water by going to a car wash
18. Avoid extra packaging by downloading your software
19. Use e-tickets as opposed to paper tickets.
20. Pay bills online
21. Stop paper bank statements
22. Use rechargeable batteries.
Five Days of Care: Easy ways to make a difference
About author: The Pearlle Team
Cress arugula peanut tigernut wattle seed kombu parsnip. Lotus root mung bean arugula tigernut horseradish endive yarrow gourd. Radicchio cress avocado garlic quandong collard greens.