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Tuesday Tips: Cooking Nigerian vegetarian food

I've recently gotten into vegetarian cooking, thanks to a couple of vegetarian friends. There's something about cooking vegetarian food that makes me feel so triumphant. Believe me, I've come a long way, considering the fact that I ate tofu for the first time in March or so. Here are some of my favorite veggie recipes. Sorry for not having measurements, I eyeball everything when I cook.

Tofu is pretty bland on its own, sort of like fried eggs with no seasoning. To combat this, I marinate the tofu. Here's one of my favorite ways to do so:

Firm or fried tofu (around 350g)
Brown sugar (about a tablespoon)
Hot sauce (half a tablespoon)
2 cloves of chopped garlic
3 tablespoons of oil
1 teaspoon curry

Mix it all up and leave in the fridge for at least 30minutes.

Farmers Plantain dish
Flo (of AllNigerianRecipes) uploaded this recipe which I tried out. All I did to make this vegetarian is substituting the gizzard with tofu. It actually turned out to be more delicious than the beef one.

Vegetarian meatpies
I also used Flo's recipe, but substituted the beef with red, yellow and green peppers. I also used green onions and potatoes. Very very delicious!