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Tuesday tips: Beautiful skin | natural products you should own

We all want it - beautiful skin people are envious of. It took a few years to realize that wasting time on expensive products aint the way to go! It's all about using products without all that chemical crap that does no good for the skin. Here are some products we really recommend:

Quite obvious - your outside is usually a reflection of inside. Drink enough water, eat your fruit and veggies. Take your vitamins daily.

Products we love

Apple Cider Vinegar
This stuff is really a miracle in a bottle. ACV contains pottasium, acetic acid, malic acid (anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties) and more. ACV is great for skin and can also be diluted with water and drank. Due to its smell, we give ACV a 4.5/5 haha

Vitamins, especially C & E and biotin:
The vitamins above are recommended to treat many skin conditions and give you beautiful skin in general.

Coconut, olive and tea tree oil 
Use these non-comedogenic oils to moisturize your skin. Tea tree oil is an essential oil so you may not want to apply it straight up on your face but maybe use it for spot treatment.

Brown sugar
Throw out all those expensive exfoliators and use something you have in your kitchen. Brown sugar contains glycolic acid and is a source of B vitamins which your skin loves.

Tighten those pores and lift your skin with eggs. Eggs contain choline (fatty cell membranes) which are great for skin.

Do your research: The more research you do, the more you learn. Our favorite websites are and Makeup Alley. No, Makeup Alley doesn't just have makeup reviews. Use the web as a guide