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Tuesday Tips: Organization tips for your home from Malitose79

Malitose79 makes some really helpful tips about organization in general. I am going to share some tips that stood out to me from her most recent video:

1. Use a lost sock bag: This is so you don't have a drawer full of mismatched socks. You can through this bag ocassionally and pair up socks.

2. Get a condiment drawer for your fridge so you're not constantly looking for condiments hidden in your fridge when you need them.

3. Use a command center. This is basically a calendar  to keep you organized.

4. Use a hanger bin. Where you'll store spare hangers so it's not taking up space. This I find really useful as I am not the type to move the hangers to the side when I take my clothes off.

Tuesday Tips is a weekly post by Pearlle Magazine's contributors, sharing good ideas and practices we've learnt over the years. Got a tip you'd like to share, contact us. Who doesn't love a good tip?