Fantastic Baby
Many people said the video was "Lady Gaga-ish" due to how in your face their style was. This video did not remind me of Gaga because Gaga is not the only person on earth with an out of the box sense of style, and there were people before Gaga who also expressed themselves quite loudly in terms of fashion. Anyways, this video is really awesome!!
I love this song!! It took a while for the video to grow on me and although I appreciate the creativity, it's not my favorite BIGBANG video
It's hard to choose a favorite Big Bang song of all 6 listed here, but this one is pretty high up. Stunning video too!
Haru Haru
Is there any VIP out there who doesn't like this song? Probably not. These dudes can act as they clearly showed in the video.
Love Dust
Don't know what it is about this song but it makes me really happy!
Love Song
Very unique and nicely done video! G-Dragon's voice in this song is just so pure and moving.