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Tuesday Tips: Cheapest way(s) to even out your skintone pt 1

Today I'm going to share 3 tried and tested ways that you can even out your skin tone. I'm telling you, these work, take my word for it. This year, I've promised myself to use as many natural products as possible. By natural, I mean things I would find in my kitchen for instance. I'm also trying to use products that are eco-friendly. This has been quite hard, but I'm off to a good start which I will share in a subsequent post.

1. Honey
Honey has a hygroscopic nature, which means when exposed to air, it naturally absorbs moisture in from the air. It is also full of antioxidants and contains anti bacterial properties. What's not to love? You can simply use honey as a facial mask, or mix it with some lemon juice and use as a facial mask. I leave this on for as long as possible, and when I wash it off, my face instantly looks supple, moisturizing and glowing.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV is antiseptic, promotes blood circulation, dissolves excess fatty deposits at the surface of the skin and regulates the skin's pH balance. I use this as a toner after taking off my makeup and exfoliating my skin at night. This has worked wonders for my skin, believe me. ACV isn't just amazing for the skin but for our body in general. Try adding two tablespoons of water and two tablespoons of honey to a glass of warm water and drinking this first thing in the morning. Come thank me later.

ACV has a strong smell, and burns the eyes a little so beware. The smell usually wears off when it dries, and I close my eyes for a few seconds after applying it on my face so my eyes don't burn.

3. Lemon
I've talked about the amazing benefits of using lemon juice on your skin, particularly fading acne scars his here. I'm going to share this again, because it works!!! I hate running out of lemons because I use them daily as part of my night time skin regime. They last for ages if you store them in the fridge, and it will also keep your fridge smelling nice. Squeeze the lemon on a cotton pad, dab it on your skin and leave as long as you want. Do not do this in the daytime though because you don't want lemon juice reacting with sunlight on your skin. If you haven't started doing this, what are you waiting for?

Tuesday Tips is a weekly post by Pearlle Magazine's contributors, sharing good ideas and practices we've learnt over the years. Got a tip you'd like to share, contact us. Who doesn't love a good tip?