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Freedom Day in the USA & South Africa

Today is Freedom Day in the US.

In the US, according to, National Freedom Day is an observance in the United States that honors the signing of a resolution that proposed the 13th amendment of the nation's constitution on February 1, 1865. Abraham Lincoln, who was the president at the time, signed the resolution to outlaw slavery. This anniversary is annually observed on February 1.

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I lived in the US for almost 2 years, and hence got to celebrate Freedom Day twice. I really do not remember ever hearing of Freedom Day on February 1st in school. No one talked about it in school, not teachers, students or tour professors, which is quite sad.

In South Africa, Freedom Day is celebrated on April 27. According to Wikipedia, Freedom Day is a South African public holiday celebrated on April 27. It celebrates freedom and commemorates the first post-apartheid elections held on that day in 1994.[1] They were the first national elections in South Africa in which the franchise did not depend upon race.

Unlike the US, Freedom Day in South Africa is a public holiday, and quite a huge event. Living in hour away from South Africa in Botswana for 3 years, Freedom Day was also so exciting to watch. Watching the parades, concerts, listening to Nelson Mandela, etc

To celebrate Freedom Day wherever in the world you may be, do this one thing: Be thankful for the freedom(s) you have. Not everyone is as fortunate as you are