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National Clean Off Your Desk Day + Tips to help you get organized

Today marks National Clean Off Your Desk Day around the world.

I did some research about the history of this unofficial 'holiday' and found out that it was originated by Anne Chase Moeller in 1982, who often worked in her fathers office, at his cluttered desk. 

I love this, because I feel a lot of people suffer from disorganized desks, such as myself. I'm looking at it right now actually. I'm also going to take this a step further by cleaning my whole dorm room.

Thankfully my desk doesn't look that bad! Image source 

Here are a couple of tips to help you stay organized, from

Do It Now
I force myself to take the extra few moments to put things all the way away, or clean up the drips, etc. rather than just setting them down (or ignoring them) to deal with later.—Guest Shari

Cleaning Tips
I try to do tasks each day so I don't have to spend hours at the end of the week, i.e. Monday I vaccuum, Tuesday I clean bathrooms, etc. I usually keep Clorox wipes on each counter and use them daily in the kitchen and bathrooms. It really helps!—Guest ljdh

Clean Regularly
This sounds like the obvious solution to having a mess, but it’s not always easy to do when you have a busy life. However, if you keep a schedule and clean a different room of the house every few days, and do a ‘clean sweep’ before you go to bed each night, you can keep your surroundings clean with minimal effort.
Getting rid of junk
I have made cleaning a time for looking at my possessions and deciding what I want to keep and what I want to throw out or donate to a charity thrift store.—Guest Ruth Leder

Best wishes as you clean your space!