This is Pearlle's first Making A Difference post, and it obviously is very special to us.
Julian Eaton is the mental health advisor for CBM in West Africa. He moved to Africa with his wife, an occupational therapist because they were interested in working with development.
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When asked what a typical day in his life looked like, Dr. Eaton shared that no such thing existed. "Some days I work directly with partners delivering services, for example training nurses or field-workers, or going into the field to see clients with them. More and more now I am working with government departments to motivate them to invest time and resources in mental health, which is a very low priority at the moment. With a little persistent effort, a lot can be achieved with such advocacy."
With more than 10 papers in the area of mental health in Nigeria, there is no doubt Eaton is highly passionate about what he does. "I think it is a privilege to do this work and living in Africa enriches my life and that of my family. In this work, knowing when to stop is a problem, because there is always more to do
Pearlle commends Jim Eaton's efforts in raising awareness about mental health issues in Nigeria.