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Product Review: ELF Flawless Foundation and Gypsy Lipstick

Quick product review on 2 ELF cosmetics products. This company is the truth yall - affordable + quality products? You can't go wrong with that.

ELF Flawless Finish Foundation (Coco)
This foundation is amazing and it costs $6. It's creamy and full coverage and even if you don't wear full coverage foundation, it's always the way to go cos you can always sheer it down like Wayne Goss always says. Coco isn't my natural shade so I use it as an undereye foundation and it's great for this. The only thing I don't like about it is that after about 6-8 hours of wear, it starts to oxidize and get this yellow tinge, if you know what I mean.  Anyways, it's only $6 and worth trying out.

ELF Flawless Finish Foundation
Wayne shares tips on how to stop foundation from oxidizing


Elf Essential Lipstick in Gypsy
Beautiful reddish-pink lipstick that lasts almost 12 hours. I ate twice, chatted for hours with friends, skyped for 2 hours with the BFF and this stuff was still on. I even had a hard time getting it off when I was taking my makeup off. Best of all, I got a $0.10 discount and got it for 90cents instead of $1.

Elf Essential Lipstick in Gypsy