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Event planning, passive aggressive behavior and (un)reliable people

I barely ever write about personal-ish things. But this one kinda is a rant of some sorts which will obviously be personal.

Passive-aggressive people are the worst! This is how Wikipedia describes Passive-aggressiveness:

Passive-aggressive behavior is a category of interpersonal interactions characterised by an obstructionist or hostile manner that indicates aggression, or, in more general terms, expressing aggression in non-assertive, subtle (that is, passive or indirect) ways.
How dumb is that? I hate when people have a problem with me and they can't confront me but instead take to bitching and passive-aggressiveness - weird looks, weird comments, unnecessary criticism. Along with passive-aggressiveness are people who constantly bitch and criticize but don't do anything constructive. If you think I suck at something, let me know what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it. Don't sit back on your passive-aggressive butt and talk about how I'm doing everything wrong when you're not doing anything to make the situation better.

This passive-aggressive person called me an over-achiever and I gladly admit that I am one. We've worked together for over a year now and anyone who knows me knows that once I say I'm gonna do something, nothing's gonna stop me. Basically, I move and if you don't move with me, you're getting left behind. I know that sounds rude but that's just the way things are.

In Boma's empire, I run things and if you've got nothing constructive to say, don't even bother. I have a no BS policy.

Tell em, Sweet Brown!
(Un)reliable people & Segun
Respect those friends who have time for you despite their busy schedule. But really love those friends who never see their schedule when you need them.

True words! I need to appreciate the awesome people in my life more. Being an over-achiever, although I don't under-estimate the importance of team work, when push comes to shove (who still says that?) I know that I can get things done alone. However, with event planning, sometimes you just need people to help and if nothing else, just be there as a reminder that we're in this together.

I'm the Events Coordinator of my uni's African & Caribbean Students' Association and Segun is the Financial Coordinator (coughs). Segun happens to be a fan of Pearlle and I want him to have his 5 minutes of fame on the site lol. I'm also using his first and last name cos his name is such a generic Nigerian one that it doesn't even matter hahaha. In the beginning, Segun reminded me of my brother in the sense that you have to push them to do anything. In Naija speak, "why do I have to push you like a car without battery eh?" I'm always on the dude's case just cos it's fun to do so. I like when people come across as happy to help instead of constantly running after people. Anyways, the point I'm trying to make here is that Segun has his ish together nowadays and I'm quite impressed. His Jah's Music days are all in the past..apparently.

I like this more responsible Olusegun Farinu.