That's where vitamins and supplements come in: to make up for nutritional gaps. Some vitamins such as D and A are particularly important and should be taken daily. Vitamin D deficiency can result in osteomalacia (softening of the bones) in adults especially if you are not getting adequate sunlight. A deficiency in Vitamin A can result in night blindness, impaired vision and eye infections.
Here are some other vitamins you should consider taking. Keep in mind that we aint medical professionals. Take this as Pearlle's 2 cents:
Sources: liver, whole grains, peas
Why folic acid?
For protein metabolism and red blood cell formation
Sources: liver, kidney, whole grains, green veggies
Why Vitamin C?
Protects against infections
Sources: Citrus fruits, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes
Why Vitamin E?
Don't you want glowing, radiant and supple skin?
Sources: Nuts, seeds, olive oil, tomatoes.
At the end of the day, why spend money on multiple vitamins when you can just buy fresh vegetables and fruits. Remember that next time you're grocery shopping!
Have a great weekend.