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iPhone 5 vs. top-dog Android phones and the Nokia Lumia

Apple announced the iPhone 5 yesterday at their annual live event at Apple U.
I am not a fan of Apple but I had always (notice the past tense) looked forward to these events because they are exciting.

I was expecting the iPhone 5 to be a beast. I honestly thought the iPhone 5 would kill every android phone on the market now (Samsung galaxy sIII, the Motorola Maxx) and the Windows Phone 7 powered beast, the Nokia Lumia.

Here's what happened: It did not. Matter of fact, all the phones mentioned above are better than the iPhone.

But don't take my word for it.

Here's a chart comparing the iPhone 5 to the Samsung Galaxy SIII, the DROID RAZR HD, and the Nokia Lumia 920:

iPhone 5 vs Android ice cream sandwich vs Windows Phone 7

So maybe I was a bit harsh on the iPhone 5, but don't forget that the Samsung Galaxy S3 has been out for a while, and so have the others.

Many people online via comments on other technology websites don't seem pleased. Not disappointed but not pleased either for the most part.

Also, to drive my point home, a pretty basic feature that has been available for at least a year on other Android phones (the ability to call (or talk) and browse the internet or do some other stuff at the same time) is still not available on the iPhone.

You may not care if you've never used it before, but when that day comes that you need it urgently, you'll see why you should have bought an android powered phone instead.

Not including a basic feature like browse and talk simultaneously is a very good example of Apple's snobbery.

All that said, I'm no hater. The iPhone 5 is not a horrible device. It's even better than it's 5 predecessors on many levels and of course, iOS 6 that it comes with is pretty good.

I wish Apple the best. They after all deserve some credit for their ingenuity, creativity, and the competition they've provided non-stop. They've helped push Android and the like to grow into better well-rounded products.