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Reminiscing Mondays: Secondary school debates in Nigeria

Who else was a debater in high school? I got involved in debate in JSS1 in English class and I loved it. My school did not have a literary and debating society and I was jealous of my friends who had one in their schools haha. Growing up, my parents would tell me the awesome things they did in their Literary and Debating Societies and I really really wanted one.

I contacted a corper teaching English Literature in my school and asked him if he would like to lead my newly formed society. He agreed and that marked the start of intriguing books and exciting debates. We started off with about 3 members, but we kinda grew bigger in a few months because a teacher in my school organized a debate with another school which was featured on TV.

If you debated or watched any debates while in school, you'd know that debates usually started off somewhat like this:

"Good morning panel of judges, accurate time keeper, co-debaters and the audience. I am here to convince and not confuse you that ......."
"I hope I have been able to convince you that........ Thank you"

Those were the days, I tell you! We would debate about some silly topics like "Mother or father, who is more important?", or "Agree/Disagree: Spare the rod and spoil the child", "Agree/disagree: Educate a girl, you educate a nation".

Reminiscing Mondays is a weekly post by Pearlle Magazine's contributors, sharing their memories about growing up in Africa.