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FDoC Day 3: Reducing your carbon foot print

Yesterday, we explored the link between climate change, flooding and droughts. We explained that one of the the ways to prevent adverse weather conditions is by reducing our carbon footprint.

A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact human activities leave on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced. Our society has become more carbon dependent and this has led to a rapid increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide which leads to global warming, which may result in more severe weather conditions and damage many natural ecosystems.
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Here are some ways we can reduce our carbon footprint:

1. Don't buy bottled water if your tap water is safe to drink

2. Buy fruit that is in season locally.

3. Use household cleaners. You're probably thinking "say whaat?". Using products such as vinegar and baking soda work just as well to clean the bathroom and kitchen. Sprinkle vinegar, followed by baking soda on your bathtub/toilet bowl to get rid of dirt and grime.

4. Turn down your central heating and use the aluminum foil method to still keep your house warm.

5. Fill your dishwasher and washing machine with a full load. This will save you water and electricity.

6. Carpool to work or when taking the kids to school.

7. Think twice about printing documents at work.

8. Fix leaking taps immediately.

9. Use the bus/train instead of using your car.