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Reminiscing Mondays: The Maldives

Today's Reminiscing post comes from my friend, Olu. He'll be "chillin" in Nigeria for a little bit and will be guest blogging his experiences, which I'm really excited to read. 

 There was a thunderstorm my first night back. I would’ve thought it was a bad sign…if I didn’t know any better. The objective of these entries is purely to record my informal observations. I say informal because this
allows me to get away with all manners of grammatical errors (see what I did there?) This is DEFINITELY
an amateurs’ attempt and I claim to be no expert in blogging, or whatever topics I will be writing on. I will try and include a picture or a short clip in each entry for continuity sake. I admit the title is a bit odd but it is supposed to be a metaphor.

On my 13 hour flight from Atlanta to Lagos, I watched a fascinating documentary about the Maldives. It featured a brief exposé on the country’s pseudo-democratic rule it was subject to for about 30 years. When a young brown knight on a horse emerged to challenge the norm and champion the peoples’ cause, people straightened their backs – because as MLK said, “A man cannot ride your back unless it is bent.” He won the election and the Maldives lived happily ever after, right? Wrong! Within the first month of occupying office, his administration was faced with a new type of problem. Their country that is made of thousands of island was sinking, a consequence of global warming. This is what I see here in Nigeria. We won the fight, but we are now sinking. A new type of problem has arisen and now people are trying to stay afloat. There you have it! Title explained. 

I would like to thank God for this opportunity to come back home after so long, and all the experiences He has preordained— the spontaneous ones too. To my folks, thank you for footing some of the bill. Ms. Brown thanks for this small piece of your large pie that is Pearlle. Hope I spelt that correctly!