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Recap: American Idol Top 8 male performances (March 28)

Let me just start off by saying how amazing Devin is and how disappointed I've been with America's votes the past 2 weeks. He is the most talented male singer in the competition and is very dynamic. Here's his performance yesterday:

I don't understand why his talent is not translating to votes :( Burnell on the other hand, has an amazing tone and can sing like crazy but he doesn't have that extra umph that Devin has. He's the same Burnell we see every week and it's becoming less special. Maybe I'm just Devin biased but I don't care!

Lazaro has lost his mojo and it aint fun to watch. I hate to say this but he's riding on sympathy votes. Like last week, talking about how he had just learnt the song. Well, everyone else just learnt the song too. He forgot the lyrics in his group performance today and his solo performance was alright. I really love Lazaro but he's the worst singer in the competition right now.

Here's the performance Burnell and Lazaro messed up. Watch how Devin outshines them and then Lazaro has the guts to say "we didn't know the lyrics that well" when it was him who messed up the most and Devin saved his butt..

Anyways, let's see how the votes play out tonight.