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Recap | Apartment Therapy Design Evenings with Nate Berkus

Apartment Therapy interviewed Nate Berkus on  Thursday. Check out the video  or read my recap if you're too lazy lol

Nate Berkus, Apartment Therapy
Image source

Nate emphasized that our homes should tell the story of who we are and everyone should live in spaces that highlight the best parts of ourselves. He says that people should start off by thinking about the 5 things we love in our home and hopefully these 5 things become 15 and then 20. Before you know it, you're surrounded by objects that tell the story of who you are and places you've been, etc.
Nate's home
Gotta go out and buy furniture
We all know that feeling of moving into a new place and not wanting it to feel empty so we rush out and buy stuff. Well, Nate advises against this. He talks about only buying things you love, saying he would eat Thai food on the floor of his living room before buying a sofa he thought was ugly.

He admits to having a furniture list but not rushing through that list because he understands that the furniture industry is designed to make people feel bad about things they don't have. He shared that he is a flighty furniture lover when he buys things by mistake, like furniture which doesn't fit the room and throws the room off. But mistakes can work if you really love what you're buying because that piece of furniture will probably "rise to the occasion" somewhere else in your home. Solid advice.

In summary: forget trends, buy what you love and your home will stand the test of time.
Nate's new book