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Reminiscing Mondays: World Sleep Day (March 15)

Today's Reminiscing post looks back at World Sleep Day with glee and amusement. First of all yall, I feel the need to point out that this is a real event that has been organized annually since 2008 by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Association of Sleep Medicine (W.A.S.M). It hopes to "celebrate the benefits of good and healthy sleep and to draw society attention to the burden of sleep problems and their medicine, education and social aspects; to promote sleep disorders prevention and management."

I have to shamefully admit that I did not celebrate World Sleep Day in all its glory on Friday night. I stayed awake till early Saturday morning and got about 5 hours of sleep before heading out to attend an event put together by a campus advocacy group I am a member of. I will hopefully do this event more justice next year. 

World Sleep Day is not just about sleeping but also raising awareness of sleep disorders and enabling better understanding and preventability. I wish employers would take this day seriously and give employees the day off or a half day to catch up on sleep. How great would it be if this was implemented in schools? March is crunch time for me and I would appreciate it if my university recognized this and gave me a day off to catch up on sleep! Sigh...